Spring Cleaning Tips for Garages in Massachusetts

Spring cleaning is not just for inside the house; custom garages in Massachusetts ought to be cleaned on a semi-annual basis as well. Clutter has a tendency to pile up in garages. Tools, unfinished projects, camping equipment, car washing materials and other items are magnets for dust and dirt. When these belongings are not properly stored, it can make getting through the garage an adventure all its own. Here are some of Home Closet Systems’ best tips for organizing your garage this spring.

Empty Everything Out

The first step to custom garage spring cleaning is to purge your garage of all contents. Everything on the shelves or in tool boxes, bins, boxes, etc. should be laid out in a dry place for evaluation. If your garage is like most people’s , you will most likely find items you did not know were still there, items you were unaware of in the first place and other items that desperately need to be thrown out.

Separate all of your items into piles to keep, throw away, donate and repurpose. With the rise of upcycling, there are plenty of projects that can be completed with old tools, broken pots, torn gloves and other items that would otherwise be thrown out.

Seasonal items, such as snow blowers, ice picks, road salts and ice scrapers, should be stored at the back of the garage during a spring cleaning. When autumn rolls around, take the time to reorganize your custom garage, replacing spring/summer necessities with the tools you will need to battle the fall/winter season in Massachusetts.

Reorganize Your Cabinets and Shelves

Whether you have cabinets or shelving, spring is the perfect time to reexamine and reorganize your garage. While all of your belongings are out of the garage, make sure to wipe down your organization aides, taking care to clean any dust, dirt or grime from them. This is the ideal time to weigh the pros and cons of different organization options for your garage supplies.

Home Closet Systems recommends small items, like spray bottles, cleaning supplies and weeding supplies, be stored on shelves where they are easily accessible. Medium-sized items such as sports balls can be stored in bins, and larger items can be placed on hooks.

Smaller tools and miscellaneous garage items should have a home in a tool box, in a bin or on a magnetic strip. When placing things in a bin, it is important to label the bin itself, not the shelf, just in case the bin gets moved in the future. Color coordinate bins to coincide with family members’ belongings and label the receptacles with chalk paint so labels can be rewritten with ease.

Large Item Storage

Bicycles, rakes, shovels, ladders and similar-sized objects can be hung from hangers either in a cabinet or on the garage wall itself. Overhead garage storage is perfect for unused patio furniture, skis, snowboards, canoes, and oversized tents.

Keep Collections Together

Whether it’s overhead garage storage for a home in Swansea or a custom-designed garage in Rehoboth, some organization best practices make sense across the board. Sports items, camping gear, fishing gear, gardening supplies, and tools should be kept together for easy access. You don’t want to have to sift through your gardening supplies to find that wrench you need. Grouping these items brings a quality of order to the garage.

Make it a Family Activity

Home Closet Systems knows that doing a complete organization overhaul of a garage can be a daunting undertaking. Spring cleaning of your garage can be a bonding activity that you share with your family. With more people cleaning, it will take much less time to get the job done. Kids can rediscover lost toys and sports equipment, and seeing camping gear might make them want to take a camping trip again. Organizing the garage can even become a game. Time your children for how long it takes them to put all of the sports balls in a bin or play a game to see how many misplaced tools they can find.

Home Closet Systems understands that garage organization can seem overwhelming, which is why we offer a wide catalog of products to fit your every need. From stunning garage cabinetry to functional overhead storage, the designers at HCS will address all of your storage needs. Contact us for a free in-home consultation today in Massachusetts and reclaim your garage!

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