Pantry Organization Tips for Homes in Massachusetts

The kitchen is one of the most frequented rooms in the house. Pantry organization in Massachusetts can be tough to maintain with so many people going through the kitchen on a daily basis. Home Closet Systems has compiled a list of ways you can clear kitchen clutter, find everything you need when you need it and keep your kitchen organized all year round.


  1. Declutter Your Kitchen
    Similar to closet organization, begin rearranging your kitchen by emptying out your pantry. Many people have a tendency to shove things into drawers, the back of pantries and behind other items in cabinets. Once you have emptied your pantry, make sure to clean each shelf and take a look at what was on those shelves.Are there food items that are past their expiration date? Is there food that you will probably never eat? Decide what you want to keep, what you want to donate to a food bank and what needs to be thrown out.


  1. Group Your Food
    The best way to reach total pantry organization is to place your food items into groups instead of organizing your pantry by size. Here are some categories to consider for pantry organization in your Massachusetts home:
  • Snacks
  • Baking
  • Canned fruit and vegetables
  • Grains (including rice, quinoa, etc.)
  • Soups
  • Canned meats
  • Grouping foods by frequency of use
  • Breakfast items
  • Spices
  • Grouping foods by cuisine


  1. Labeling
    If you buy food in bulk, proper labeling is a must. Purchase some see-through and air-tight containers to store your food in and place labels on the containers. Home Closet Systems suggests purchasing chalkboard labels or making your own using masking tape and chalkboard paint. Permanent labels work as well, but chalkboard labels give you the freedom to use the containers for different foods once you have finished them; simply wipe off the label and write a new one.Taking items out of their boxes decreases clutter and improves pantry organization throughout homes in Boston, and the rest of the country. Record how long it takes for pasta, rice, quinoa and other grains to cook right on their container label. Include the date that the package was opened on your label as well. You won’t have to guess when the package was bought or opened if the information is on the item’s label.


  1. Creative Organization Techniques
    Unconventional organization vessels are sometimes the best way to get the job done. Pantry must-haves include pull-out drawers and see-through containers for maximum visibility, but homeowners looking for pantry organization ideas should consider some of the following out-of-the-box alternatives as well:
  • Wire magazine holders: Magazine holders are perfect for storing canned goods in a way that takes up much less space than placing them directly on the shelf. This method also helps with the grouping of your canned items. Keep all of your fruits, vegetables, sauces, soups and other categories of food within their own magazine holder. You can also use magazine holders for plastic wrap and tin foil boxes, storing cutting boards, holding potatoes and onions and many other wonderful applications
  • Over-the-door shoe organizer: The clear pocket varieties of over-the-door shoe organizers are the perfect addition to any home pantry. Place your baking supplies, spices and plastic bags within easy reach.
  • Door rack: If you need more space for your pots, pans, plates and cups in your kitchen, moving your spices to a door rack on the back of your pantry door is a great solution.
  • Lazy Susan: It can often be hard to see exactly what is in your reach-in pantry. This problem can be solved by installing a lazy Susan. Because of its rotating design, you’ll have everything in your pantry at your fingertips.


  1. Organize Frequently
    A complete pantry revamping may seem overwhelming, but the task can be tackled a bit at a time. Organize one shelf a day or one shelf every weekend. A full overhaul of your pantry should be done at least twice a year. These semi-annual cleanings will be a lot easier, however, if you keep up with the organization and maintenance of your pantry. Try completing 30-minute clutter cleaning sessions every month.

    Home Closet Systems knows that pantry organization is a difficult undertaking. Having a custom-designed pantry can make the difference between a perfect pantry and chaotic kitchen. Contact us today for a free customized pantry in-home estimate!

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