7 Ways to Create a Productive Home Office

Your home office is more than just another room of the house; it’s a space where productivity is key to the success of your career. The design of your home office could be the difference between simply finishing projects on time and exceeding your client’s expectations. Set yourself up for success with a home office design that suits your work style and is arranged to maximize your time.

Location, Location, Location

Pick a quiet location on the far end of your home to set up your home office. Don’t assume you can “tune out” noises from the house. Keep your work and personal space completely separate to avoid distractions during the work day. Consider whether facing a window would help create a pleasant workspace or if it would be distracting for you, and arrange your home office accordingly.

Tidy Desk, Tidy Mind

The cleaner your desk is, the easier it will be to locate files you need and complete work in a timely manner. Find an organizational system that works for you, whether that involves file drawers, color-coded binders or “in” and “out” boxes. The key is to have a place for everything, so your work is stored properly at the end of the day.


Consider whether you need special equipment for conference calls, video chat or audio. If you rely heavily on computer screens, avoid harsh overhead lighting that may cause glare. Rely instead on natural sunlight or floor lamps placed to the side of screens. A comprehensive wire management system or simple laptop trays may help keep your technology organized and easy to access.


Utilize file folder drawers, cubbies and adjustable shelves to keep your work in order and prevent messy piles of paper from piling up on flat surfaces. If your work involves different roles or different clients, try to keep everything separate to avoid mixing up work.

Satisfying Seating

According to American Family Physician, “approximately 90 percent of adults experience back pain at some time in life, and 50 percent of persons in the working population have back pain every year.” It’s critical to get an office chair that is supportive and built ergonomically so you can sit for long periods of time without interruption.

Plant Success

House plants do a lot for work spaces. Not only do house plants help cleanse the air, but they also create a serene atmosphere. This will help make your work day become more pleasant and gives you a place to look that isn’t at your computer screen. If you are worried about keeping a houseplant alive, purchase a cactus or succulent instead that can survive with less care.

Meaningful Breaks

Work meaningful breaks into your work day. Don’t just surf the web or check social media. Instead, choose to be more productive. Keep a book handy or make yourself a relaxing cup of lavender tea. These are things that will refresh you and help you get ready to tackle to work to come instead of distracting you from your next bit of business.

Your home office is a completely personal space that can be customized to perform any function you choose. Our designers have seen every shape and size of room imaginable and can safely say it is possible to turn any space into an office. Contact us today to learn more about designing custom home office organization solutions anywhere in Providence and surrounding areas.

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